How to blow dry hair straight without frizz? Follow this 8 ways

Do you always fight against frizz with yourself each time blow dry hair straight? You can give it a chance to dry naturally such as air dry, yet this isn’t generally an alternative, particularly if you are living in an extremely cold situation or environment. Besides, sometimes you need to get down outside urgently and need to blow dry hair straight instantly. Luckily, there are approaches about how to blow dry hair straight without frizz & here it is:

How to blow dry hair straight without frizz

blow dry hair straight without frizz
blow dry hair straight without frizz

1. Brush out any tangles utilizing your fingers or a hair comb:

  • Begin from the end lair of your hair, and stir your way up to the cores. But in most of the cases, people do the opposite and make a mistake. Never runs down the brush from cores to end if you got snarled in your hair. And also do this when your hair is still wet. Especially in the case of wavy hair, stay away from using the hairbrush. This can prompt frizz.

2. Splash out the excess dampness with a mop:

  • This is the step everyone gets so hurry and rubs the hair with a mop. But, this is a bad practice. Instead of rubbing, rather, use a soft towel or mop it to delicately crush out excess water from your hair
    On the off chance that you have wavy or sensitive hair, you should need to utilize a microfiber towel or an old, clean shirt. The regular mop is harmful to wavy hair; it snags and tears fragile hair.

3. Let sometimes for natural air dry before utilizing a hair blow dryer:

  • Whatever your hair is thick or long, at least let it put sometimes for hair dry. This will take most probably twenty to thirty minutes. You need your hair to be soggy after blow drying it, yet not drenching wet. So let it air dry to diminish frizz.

4. Keep the blow dryer around 12 inches far from your hair:

  • If you prefer rough-dry, keep the dryer a little bit far from hair at least twelve inches. Rough dry is something when you drying your hair without utilizing any styling brush. Otherwise, the main time when you can use a styling brush holds the hairdryer closer to your hair. Holding the hairdryer excessively near your hair can result in warmth harm and harmed hair when it is crimped.

How to blow dry hair straight without frizz?

5. Point the spout downwards while drying:

  • Separate your hair into different segments and start drying one section by one at once. Point the air downwards from your scalp & rehash the process again & again for each segment. Thusly, the wind stream will make the hair fingernail skin lay level as opposed to twisting. It will build your hair to seem more smooth and sparkling.

6. Utilize your fingers while you blow-dry your hair:

  • I already stated the hairbrush is harmful to hair when it is wet & drenched. Instead of a hairbrush use fingers, particularly if your hair is as yet wet. The brush can harm your hair and makes it look bunched up & frizzy.
    When your hair is almost dry, you can change to a hairbrush, except if you have wavy hair.
  • On the off chance that you have wavy hair and need to keep it wavy, using a finger is crucial. Fold the twists over your fingers and blow-dry these loops slowly. But never apply a nylon hair comb since it will destroy the natural curly shape of your hair. For instance, you want straight down your wavy hair, utilize a vast, round, pig bristle brush.

7. Think about utilizing a vented round comb to let your hair aligned:

  • When all your hair comes to dry, try using a vented comb over your hair. Spot the brush under a segment of hair, near the cores of the scalp. Faced the blow dryer machine towards the hair area. Gradually bring both the comb and dryer machine down towards the tips of your hair.
  • You may need to rehash this couple of times before the hair turns into a smoothie. On the off chance that you don’t have a round hairbrush, don’t worry, you can use a regular hairbrush or comb in such a case.

8. Completion your look by boosting your hair with an impact of cool air:

  • We are almost at the end of the drying process. Now transform the hairdryer into a cool setting. Point the spout downwards, and blow-dry your hair utilizing smoothly. This time begins from the cores to the down in an opposite form. This will help smooth and seal the hair fingernail skin, influencing your hair to seem shinier and glossy.

Use your fingers to keep your hair smooth while you blow-dry it. Avoid using a regular hairbrush, especially if your hair is still wet. The brush can damage your hair and make it look frizzy. Once your hair is about 80% dry, you can transition to a hairbrush, unless you have curly hair and want to keep it curly.

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Hi, Sara here. Before ending up as a professional hair care expert and beautician, I was quite obsessed with the hair and skincare of myself. While turning myself devoted to what I love, I came up with the idea of sharing the advice and tips with you lovely people as well. Hence, here goes my little corner on the web where we talk about health, hair, and more!

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