How To Sharpen A Chinese Cleaver – 3 Awesome Ways

How To Sharpen A Chinese Cleaver

When it comes to all-purpose versatile kitchen cutting utensils, you will rarely find anything better than the Chinese cleaver. With this all-round knife, you can do everything from cutting and slicing meat and vegetables to smashing garlic and onion. So, stay tuned with us for a fabulous guide on How To Sharpen A Chinese Cleaver.

However, using a dull knife with an unsharpened blade might risk you getting injured and investing extra calories in performing different cutting and slicing jobs. Therefore, regular sharpening of the edges is essential. It will help you to work smoothly and effortlessly.

Today, we are going to describe the most common methods on –  how do you sharpen a Chinese cleaver quickly and with ease. It would help you to keep the blade sharpened and perform better.

Different methods On How Do You Sharpen A Chinese Cleaver

The Chinese cleaver is a high-octane performing kitchen knife. Naturally, it requires great care. Thus, you must be attentive to keep your blade sharp and flawless. You can, however, sharpen the blade edge with different methods.

Why do knife manufacturers go for a lower sharpening angle?

The main reason is because of the rise in competition from Japanese knives. Not only are Japanese knives sharpened on a lower angle the majority of the home cooks have a pre assumption that a lower angle means a better knife. The other reason is that you will have to maintain the edge more and more on a lower angle since the edge can’t be held for a longer period of time. Therefore reducing the lifespan of your knife and since the manufacturers and knife makers earn the majority of their income by selling knives means that they sell more knives in a shorter period. Therefore you usually see that a higher Rockwell is more expensive than a lower Rockwell knife.

Method One: Sharpening = Chinese cleaver with a honing steel

Sharpening hone, also known as sharpening steel, is the people’s choice to sharpen Chinese cleavers. It is made with a thin rod and comes with a convenient handle.

Sharpening or honing steel come along with different grades, each having a distinctive color. These are-

  • Medium grade (Green)
  • Fine grade (Blue)

Chinese cleaver’s edges are sharper than the usual meat cleaver. Thus, it would help if you start with the medium grade honing. After that, use the fine grade or blue-colored hone to give the metal blade a finer edge.

To sharpen the Chinese cleaver, place it in the clamp and use the hone at a 30-degree angle to sharpen the knife. You will have to continue the process until you reach your desired sharpness level.

Remember that the sharpening steel only restores the blade edge to a brief level instead of removing the metal outwardly. It gives the edge a finer sharpness while keeping the Chinese cleaver at its state.



Method Two: Sharpening with a Sharpening stone

The use of sharpening stone is the most ancient and traditional way to sharpen your Chinese Cleaver. Being a manual method, it gives you better control during the honing process. If you are someone who loves buying expensive Chinese cleavers, we recommend you to use a diamond stone or whetstone.

Sharpening stone
Sharpening with a Sharpening stone

The secret of manual sharpening stone to become successful is its operating technique and appropriate angle. These two together helps to sharpen the edges to an optimum level.

  • Have you ever sliced butter? The process is quite similar. At first, slide in the cleaver’s edge on the stone at a minimum angle.
  • While you slice the cleaver, hold its handle at a slightly higher position than the front.  This higher positioning of the knife will help you to slide the edge on the sharpening stone easily.
  • As you position your cleaver at the right angle, slide it smoothly towards the front. Always push the Chinese knife in the same direction. Otherwise, it will have an adverse effect on the blade.
  • Repeat the process for the other side of the edge as well.

Tips: You might use a coin to position your Chinese cleaver at the most appropriate angle.

Method Three: Sharpening with an electric sharpener

Sharpening with an electric sharpener
Sharpening with an electric sharpener

Sharpen Up certifies the use of an electric sharpener as the most straightforward and user-friendly method to sharpen a Chinese cleaver. The most significant advantage of using an electric sharpener is its two mainstream features.

  • The 1ststage used to sharpen the blade edge. It slightly removes the upward metal to sharpen the edge.
  • The 2ndstage is designed to provide the already sharpened blade a refined sharpness with smooth and perfect edges.

Operating an electric sharpener is the easiest of tasks you will ever find. At first place the cleaver edge on the 1st or sharpening portion of the sharpener. As it hones the cleaver, next, place it in the 2nd stage to make the edge perfect.

Nonetheless, you will need to repeat the process several times to reach your desired level of sharpness.

Tips: If your Chinese cleaver hasn’t reached the most adverse level, don’t repeat the honing stage more than once or two.

Things you should keep in mind

Chinese cleavers are an all-purpose serving kitchen knife. However, it would be best if you remember few things to prolong its sharpness.

  • Don’t use it to cut bones.
  • Never use it with brute power to cut through the fleshes. It has excellent sharpness, so requires minimum pressure.
  • Always store the cleaver in a clean and dry state. Even the stainless steeled edge catches rust.


Most manufacturers use high-quality carbon combined steel to prepare the Chinese cleavers. This makes the sharpening process comfortable. Yet, you should be careful whenever you start sharpening this versatile and excellent cutting utensils.

The three processes described above will not lead you down. With user-friendliness and immediate result, these methods will provide your most-used kitchen tool a prolonged life and better performance.

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